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How to Make Your Period Come Faster: Ways to Induce Periods Fast

Writer: Ezgi AydınEzgi Aydın

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

If you are looking for ways to make your period come faster, we got you! You might be going through stress and have issues in your ovaries, but don’t worry we gathered all the reasons why you might be experiencing delayed periods and why it is important to have a regular menstrual cycle.

Let’s find out together!

how to make your period come faster

What causes delayed periods?

1. Hormonal imbalance

A hormonal imbalance can occur due to your stress levels, certain medications you use, and other factors. These can cause your period to be delayed.

Because of the hormonal imbalance, the hypothalamus (part of your brain that acts as the smart control coordinating center of your body) can send signals to the endocrine system to overproduce hormones that activate the fight-or-flight response.

2. Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a couple of the important reasons that can cause your period to be delayed because these factors cause your body to release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones have the power to prevent several bodily processes to function, including those of the reproductive system, which can temporarily stop ovulation.

This lack of ovulation can result in irregular menstrual cycles or even a complete delay in periods. This situation's stress could increase already high-stress levels, which would make issues worse.

3. Lack of sleep

Because sleep is crucial for overall health, it can of course also affect your menstrual cycle. Not getting enough sleep, insomnia, and lack of sleep can cause different kinds of health issues such as depression, lack of concentration, and weight gain. It can disrupt all kinds of bodily and mental functions as well as your menstrual cycle. It affects your cycle by interfering with the hormones that are released to regulate your ovulation.

Women who don't get enough sleep may as a result have irregular periods or have trouble getting pregnant. In addition, getting too little sleep might make periods inconsistent or skipped altogether.

4. Poor diet

You are what you eat! Due to a deficiency in nutrients like iron and folate, a poor diet might result in delayed periods. The production of healthy hormones, which is crucial for regular menstrual periods, depends on these nutrients. An unbalanced pH level in the body inhibits the body's ability to take in some vitamins and minerals essential for reproductive health.

A poor diet can cause irregular or no menstruation, severe bleeding during periods, no ovulation, or infertility. Additionally, low iron and folate levels can cause headaches, weakness, and exhaustion during the menstrual cycle.

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5. Physical activity

Heavy training or exercising such as running and weightlifting can cause delayed periods, but the most important thing is to make sure that you monitor your energy levels while doing exercises regularly.

By changing hormone levels or dehydrating the body, certain drugs and diets may also cause delayed periods.

6. Changing hormones

Estrogen and progesterone, which are present in hormonal birth control techniques like the pill, prevent ovulation in the ovaries.

This may result in a shift in cycle regularity or a delay in periods. Menstrual cycles can be impacted by starting or stopping these forms of medications because it can take up to six months for your cycle to return to normal following discontinuance.

7. Pregnancy and miscarriage

Multiple factors, including stress, dietary and exercise changes, hormonal imbalances brought on by breastfeeding or postpartum depression, thyroid issues, weariness from insufficient sleep, or other dietary changes, might result in delayed periods following pregnancy or miscarriage.

These issues may result in infertility and problems conceiving if they are not adequately handled. An imbalance in the body's normal rhythm may also result in irregular menstrual cycles. It might also result in more painful menstruation and worsening menstrual cramps.

8. Birth control pills

If you are one of the women who want to induce menstruation or have irregular menstrual cycles, birth control pills are a long-term answer. They can aid in cycle regulation, resulting in lighter periods and more manageable cramps.

It is possible to delay menstruation and prevent pregnancy by taking the active tablets as directed and avoiding taking too many packets at once. However, taking the medications incorrectly or in excess can potentially result in unexpected spotting.

9. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is more common than you think. According to World Health Organization, around 116 million women are affected by this syndrome. A hormonal imbalance brought on by excess male hormones produced by the ovaries is known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It may result in missed periods, irregular periods, and surprise ovulation.

Changes in hormone levels that interfere with regular menstrual cycles are the root cause of the delayed periods linked to PCOS. Missed or irregular periods might result from an excess of male hormones that slows or stops ovulation due to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.

Moreover, PCOS can result in increased body weight or difficulty shedding weight, as well as dark skin patches on the abdomen, in the belly button creases, and under the breasts.

10. Thyroid problems

The thyroid gland, which is situated in the neck region can be affected by abnormalities known as thyroid disorders. When the thyroid does not create enough hormones, a disease known as hypothyroidism results, and when it does, a condition known as hyperthyroidism results. Both of these problems can cause your periods to be delayed or stop altogether for a month or more, which might mess up your menstrual cycle.

Your menstrual cycle may be affected by these conditions if you experience irregular heartbeats, changes in appetite, unexplained weight changes, anxiety or agitation, or minor hand tremors.

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What are the benefits of having a regular period?

1. It helps you keep track of your health

Your body loves when everything is in the right place therefore you feel great! Being able to monitor your health since it shows that your reproductive system is operating regularly is having regular menstruation.

Knowing when your period will arrive can help you stay on top of any physical changes and take appropriate action as needed. It also gives you a chance to check on the functionality of any birth control techniques you may be doing. Additionally, monitoring your periods over time can provide important details about the condition of your reproductive system and aid in the early identification of any potential abnormalities or problems.

2. It shows that your reproductive system is working properly

There are several benefits to having a regular period.

First, you can benefit from it in terms of determining when you are most fertile and whether you are capable of becoming pregnant or not.

Second, having a consistent period can make it easier to identify any underlying medical issues that might influence ovulation or the menstrual cycle.

Finally, it assists women in keeping track of their menstrual cycles so they can schedule their activities around them more easily.

3. It can help you identify problems like hormone imbalance or PCOS.

Having a regular period also enables medical professionals to keep an eye on any abnormalities in hormone levels that might point to a sickness or disease process.

Having regular menstruation might help you spot issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or a hormone imbalance. This is due to the fact that your menstrual cycle shows you how your hormones are acting. If you have irregular periods, it may be a sign that your hormones are out of balance and maybe it's time to check your hormone levels with your doctor.

You can increase your level of accuracy regarding the timing of your period by keeping an eye on the hormone levels in your body if you are using birth control methods.

4. It can relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other menstrual symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and other menstrual symptoms can be lessened by having a regular period because it helps to control an irregular cycle.

But don't worry, we have a tip for that!

Cinnamon works as a vasodilator by increasing blood flow to the uterus, which reduces cramps, menstrual pain, bloating, and nausea which are common just before a period.

In addition, it lessens menstrual cramp pain without having any negative side effects.

In the long run, having a regular period might also help reduce the severity of PMS symptoms by making you more observant of when they are most likely to happen.

5. It helps you identify pregnancy

By allowing you to track your cycle and keep records of any abnormality, having a regular period can help you identify pregnancy. You can share these records with your doctor who can benefit from them while making a diagnosis.

Moreover, having a regular period can help you observe when you are most likely to get pregnant so that you prevent unwanted pregnancy by taking the necessary steps.

By having a regular period, you can identify when you are most likely to get pregnant and take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening. This involves using birth control or not having sex.

6. It can help you know when it’s safe to start a pregnancy

Because it makes it easier for you to recognize your fertility cycle, getting a regular period can help you determine when it's safe to begin trying for a baby. When you are most likely to become pregnant can be determined by keeping track of any changes in your cycle and knowing when your period is due.

You will be able to better understand your body and spot abnormalities like an irregular or skipped period if you have a regular cycle. This will enable you to detect any reproductive problems before getting pregnant and, if necessary, take action to improve your chances of becoming pregnant soon.

7. It can help you know when to go to the doctor

Because it makes it easier for you to monitor any changes to your cycle, getting a regular period might help you know when to visit the doctor.

You can give your doctor the information they need to make an accurate diagnosis by keeping track of changes in your cycle and other health problems.

8. It can help you relax

Knowing that your body function normally can help you relieve stress and anxiety about the state of your health. In that sense, having a regular period can help you relax because it gives you a feeling of comfort and familiarity.

Having regular menstruation helps ease emotional stress since it gives comfort and confidence that everything is normal. Additionally, knowing when your period will start may allow you to prepare for any potential discomfort, such as pain or cramps. Knowing that your period will come soon may also help you feel less anxious about it coming on time or maybe being late.

9. It can help improve your energy levels

Having your period doesn’t always mean exhaustion, the more your cycle is regulated, the more your energy levels are increased. As your period helps to regulate your body's hormones, it can boost your energy levels.

10. It can help you stay in tune with your body

Regular periods give you a window to look into the condition of your reproductive system, which can help you keep in touch with your body. Additionally, it can serve as a reminder for when you have crucial medical appointments, like pap smears and mammograms.

Having a regular period also makes it easier to comprehend how your body is changing and how it could affect your daily life.

For instance, it's important to get medical counsel if you have pain during your period in order to identify its root cause and develop effective management strategies.

What are the dangers of having a late period?

1. Risk of pregnancy

If your period is late, one of the signs can be pregnancy. Every day that passes after the estimated due date of her menstruation raises the likelihood that she will become pregnant.

A late period increases the risk of pregnancy more than an early one does. This is a result of the fact that sperm can survive up to seven days after sexual activity and ovulation can take place up to five days before your anticipated due date. Women may find it more challenging to determine whether they are fertile during this time due to hormonal changes and disrupt records of the cycle.

2. Imbalance in hormones

A hormonal imbalance can cause the menstrual cycle to be disturbed, resulting in irregular or delayed periods for a month or more.

This imbalance has negative effects such as fertility, exhaustion, weight gain, mood swings, and an increased risk of pregnancy problems.

4. Increased stress and anxiety

You can call this a paradox - we’ve all been there- because you can start stressing about your period being late.

5. Low energy levels

Due to the changes in hormones experienced during menstruation, having a late period can have an impact on one's level of energy. The PMS symptoms such as exhaustion, headaches, mood swings, and others can be brought caused by these changes.

The consequences on energy levels might be considered because, if left untreated, PMS symptoms can get worse over time. Reduced attention and concentration, lower efficiency at work or school, and general feelings of melancholy or depression are possible long-term impacts.

6. Weight gain and loss

Your menstrual cycle can become irregular when you gain weight during a late period which can affect the release of the production of female hormones. On the other hand, low body weight might also eventually lead to an irregular period cycle.

7. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of physical, psychological, and behavioral abnormalities that take place in the days before menstruation. You might usually experience it for one to two weeks prior to the start of your period and continues through it.

Abdominal pains, skin or body breakouts, sore breasts, bloating, intestinal problems including nausea or constipation, headaches, mood swings, anxiety, impatience, and sadness are just a few symptoms.

Therefore, you can experience these longer as your due date becomes delayed or experience them more intensely when you finally get your period.

9. Infertility

Infertility is one of the risks associated with having a late period because ovulation may not occur consistently if menstruation is delayed for an extended period of time. Additionally, due to low iron levels in the body, women who do not menstruate regularly may have health problems like anemia or pelvic pain.

how to make yourperiod come faster

How to make your period come faster?

Step 1: Increase Vitamin C Intake

When you take a high amount of vitamin C, it can increase the level of estrogen in your body which has a notable effect on your menstrual cycle.

High doses or levels of vitamin C has also the ability to decrease progesterone which leads to the shedding of the uterine lining, meaning the early period.

Step 2: Take a birth control pill

By regulating your body's hormones and affecting when you have your period, birth control pills can help you get your period sooner.

You can shorten the time between periods and minimize the heaviness of your menstrual flow by using a birth control pill.

Step 3: Try Parsley Tea

Due to being rich in bioactive compounds that can increase the release of estrogen in your body, parsley can make your period come faster if you drink parsley tea daily before your due date. You can benefit from it to reduce the pain during PMS and during your period because it is a great antispasmodic agent.

Step 4: Eat carotene and foods rich in vitamin C

Eating foods rich in carotene like orange, yellow, and green leafy fruits and vegetables, also vitamin C can help you when you want to make your period come faster because these nutrients and vitamins can increase estrogen levels in your body.

These can also trigger contraction in the uterus, leading your period to start.

Step 5: Take a warm bath and use a heating pad

By releasing muscle tension and reducing emotional stress, taking a warm bath and applying a heating pad can hasten the onset of your period.

As a result of the increased blood flow, the menstrual cycle is aided in the beginning. Additionally, the heat helps to relax the muscles in the pelvis and abdomen, which improves blood flow to the uterus.

Step 6: Take herbal tea such as pomegranate

Pomegranate tea is also rich in bioactive compounds that may increase the estrogenic activity in the body

Step 7: Drink tropical juices such as papaya, pineapple, or coconut water.

Ingredients in papaya and pineapple might start your period. They include a lot of fiber, which can help control bowel motions before your period.

You might be able to speed up the onset of your period by ingesting these tropical drinks because they have uterotonic qualities that cause uterine contractions. Additionally, because of its high fiber content, pineapple juice may help lessen bloating and cramping when consumed regularly.

Step 8: Eat allergen-friendly herbs such as basil, ginger, or cinnamon.

Due to their bioactive ingredients, which increase body temperature and lessen the pain associated with uterine contractions, allergen-friendly herbs like peppermint and ginger can help hasten the onset of your period.

You can hasten menstruation and ease PMS discomfort by taking these herbs on a daily basis before your period date.

Step 9: Reduce stress levels

Here are a few steps to reduce stress levels:

  • Exercise: Engaging in physical exercise causes the release of endorphins, which function as natural painkillers and mood enhancers in the brain.

  • Techniques for relaxation: Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing are among the practices that can calm the body and mind.

  • Time management: Setting priorities and using time wisely might help you feel less overwhelmed.

  • Support systems: Speaking with friends, relatives, or a therapist can serve as a stress-relieving sounding board and aid in problem-solving.

  • Changes in lifestyle: Getting adequate sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and lowering alcohol and caffeine consumption can all help lower stress levels.

  • Humor: Including humor and enjoyable activities can help to reduce stress, change focus, and improve mood.

ways to induce period


Are there any home remedies that can help make a period come faster? What foods make your period come faster?

Yes, there are a few natural solutions that can aid in hastening the onset of a period. For instance, engaging in physical activity and practicing relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation along with consuming foods or herbs that are rich in vitamin C can hasten the process.

These techniques might help menstruation start a bit earlier than usual, but there is no assurance that they will. Using hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills or patches to control one's menstrual cycle might potentially speed up the onset of periods.

What are the hormone levels associated with making a period come faster?

Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones connected to accelerating period onset. These hormones can cause menstruation and are found in birth control pills. Stress, exhaustion, dietary changes, and changes in physical activity levels are additional factors that can raise estrogen levels.

The development of female sexual features throughout puberty is brought on by the female sex hormone estrogen. By causing the endometrium to thicken each month in preparation for pregnancy, it also controls the menstrual cycle. Another female sex hormone, progesterone, supports the endometrium during pregnancy and aids in its expulsion following delivery. This helps the body get ready for pregnancy.

When a woman's period is about to start, her levels of both estrogen and progesterone rise. This causes her uterine walls to receive more blood, which causes the cramping pain that comes with periods (also known as dysmenorrhea).

When to see a doctor

If you are facing an irregular menstrual cycle or missing your period, it is crucial for you to visit a doctor. Keep track of changes in your cycle and other health issues to ensure a correct diagnosis. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor right away:

  • thinking/suspecting you are pregnant

  • you miss three or more period cycles in a row

  • stop having periods before the age of 45 or continue having periods after 55 years old

  • bleeding in between periods or after sex

  • experiencing abnormal heavy bleeding

  • fever

  • extreme pain

  • nausea and vomiting

How should one consult a doctor before attempting to make a period come faster?

1. Before attempting to induce your period, speak with a doctor. If you are currently using birth control, seeing your doctor first is a crucial step for you.

2. If you want your period to start earlier, you can switch your regular pills with sugar pills or placebo pills.

3. Keep track of how frequently you take the placebo pills and take them as prescribed by your doctor or healthcare provider; never take more of these pills than is advised without first talking to them!

ways to get your period

How to Get Period Overnight?

1. Eat pineapple: By raising progesterone levels in the body, eating pineapple can help you start your period.

2. Take vitamin C supplements: The hormones that control your menstrual cycle can be stimulated by vitamin C pills, which could result in an early period.

3. Drink cinnamon tea: The consumption of cinnamon tea is thought to enhance hormone production and blood flow, which could speed up menstruation.

4. Exercise regularly: By boosting endorphins and increasing blood flow, regular exercise can help regulate your menstrual cycle. If your period is late or overdue, these two factors may accelerate the onset of your period.

5. Practice relaxation techniques: By helping with hormone balancing techniques, yoga and meditation may hasten the beginning of periods if they are late or delayed.



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